Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If I had it to do over again...

I would travel the world

I would have more lovers

I would have more friends

I would have fewer steady boyfriends (none would work fine for me...they were all asshats)

I would climb mountains

I would swim with dolphins....and sharks

I would sky dive

I would never take no for an answer

I would be a happier young adult

I would live for me

I would have recorded an album/CD (only need the one...don't care if anyone ever buys it)

I would read more books (not sure how this would have been possible...always an avid reader)

I would not care what people thought (when I was younger...I don't care now...they can all bite me)

I would be in much better physical shape

I would run marathons

I would run with the bulls

I would learn many languages

I would never stop playing the piano

I would never bend to someone else (see bite me above)

I would never spend more than I have

I would publish my poetry

I would be in a movie (preferably a good movie)

Let's face it...if I had it to do over again....there is very little that I wouldn't do

And...I'm starting now.

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